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$Title{NASA, The First 25 Years 1958-1983
Chapter 10 Tracking and Data Systems}
$Author{Thorne, Muriel M., Technical Monitor & Editor}
$Log{Deep Space Antenna*0002501.scf
Book: NASA, The First 25 Years 1958-1983
Author: Thorne, Muriel M., Technical Monitor & Editor
Affiliation: NASA
Date: 1983
Chapter 10 Tracking and Data Systems
Pioneer 10 at the edge of the solar system. Columbia and Challenger
crews in space. Landsat. Voyager encounters with Jupiter and Saturn. Lunar
bases. The vital link between these missions and Earth is the Space Tracking
and Data Systems.
[See Deep Space Antenna: The 64 meter Deep Space Network antenna at the Madrid
Tracking Station Complex.]
Their name describes their work - to keep track of where spacecraft are
in orbit, tell them what to do, get information from them, and process that
information into a meaningful form. This is done primarily through two
worldwide networks - one for Earth-orbiting operations and the other for deep
space missions. A global communications system called NASCOM (NASA
Communications System) links the networks with NASA mission control centers.
The networks support an average of 20 to 30 different satellites and
space probes daily. Through the years they have enjoyed some remarkable
successes as they have adapted to changing requirements and technological
Originally able only to receive and transmit data, tracking stations now
also have advanced data processing and command capabilities. Today there are
two separate tracking systems. The Space Tracking and Data Network (STDN),
managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), is an international system
of tracking facilities for Earth-orbital and suborbital missions. The Deep
Space Network, managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), consists of
three tracking stations around the world for the support of deep space
The new Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS), with the first
satellite launched from the Space Shuttle Challenger on STS-6 in April 1983,
is an in-orbit communications link with other spacecraft and eventually will
replace ground-based STDN.
In 1958, NASA acquired the international network of "Minitrack" stations
that had been formed by the Naval Research Laboratory to support the
International Geophysical Year. These stations could receive, record, and
transmit telemetry data, but could not give commands. Between 1959 and 1963,
NASA added new stations to support the growing space program and upgraded the
capabilities at existing stations. In 1962, construction of the first
26-meter (85-foot) diameter parabolic antenna was completed at Fairbanks,
Minitrack Stations:
San Diego, CA
Blossom Point, MD
Antiqua, West Indies
Quito, Ecuador
Lima, Peru
Antofagasta, Chile - to 1963
Santiago, Chile
Woomera, Australia
Eselen Park, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Fort Myers, FL
East Grand Forks, MN
Goldstone, CA
Fairbanks, AK
St. Johns, Newfoundland
Winkfield, England
Rosman, NC
Canberra, Australia
Satellite Network
As 26-m antennas were added to the Minitrack system in the early 1960's,
the system became known as the Satellite Network. In 1964, 12-m (40-ft)
antennas were added in Johannesburg, South Africa; Quito, Ecuador; and
Santiago, Chile.
Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Network (STADAN)
In 1964, NASA installed the Satellite Telemetry Automatic Reduction
(STAR) system, a data processing system that significantly expanded the
satellite network's capabilities. The network, which became known as STADAN,
could command satellite functions and acquire data, as well as track
satellites. Increased capabilities of the STADAN system allowed some
Minitrack stations to be phased out. At the end of 1969, ten STADAN stations
were operational.
STADAN Stations:
Canberra (Orroral Valley), Australia
Fairbanks, AK
Fort Myers, FL
Goldstone, CA
Johannesburg (Hartebeesthoek), South Africa
Quito, Ecuador
Rosman, NC
Santiago, Chile
Tananarive, Madagascar
Winkfield, England
Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN)
There was a separate tracking network for manned spaceflight until 1972.
The network created in 1958 to support Project Mercury was augmented in 1962
for Project Gemini. The MSFN stations consisting of airplane, ship, and
ground-based antennas could track, command, receive data, and communicate with
the astronauts and the target Vehicle. The system was updated again for the
Apollo program and consisted of ten 9-meter antennas, one 9-meter
transportable station, five ships, and eight aircraft.
MSFN Stations:
Ascension Island
Canary Islands
Canberra, Australia
(Honeysuckle Creek)
(Orroral Valley)
Canton Island
Carnarvon, Australia
Corpus Christi, Tx
Eglin AFB, FL
Goldstone, CA
Grand Bahama Island
Grand Turk Island
Guaymas, Mexico
Kano, Nigeria
Kauai, Hawaii
Madrid, Spain
Merritt Island, FL
Muchea, Australia
Point Arguello, CA
Tananarive, Madagascar
White Sands, NM
In 1972, MSFN was merged with STADAN.
Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (STDN) 1972-to date
STADAN and MSFN became STDN, an international network of 15 stations.
Twelve of these stations track manned and unmanned Earth orbital and
suborbital missions. Three special purpose stations will be used for support
of the Space Shuttle.
During the 19705, the STDN network was continually improved to provide
greater data processing capabilities.
The STDN system provides coverage up to about 20 percent of the time.
Most equipment on the STDN network was installed in the mid-1960's to support
the Apollo program, and although obsolescence and maintenance difficulties
have increased with time, the network has continued to provide consistent
service longer than expected. The new TDRS system will allow many STDN
stations to be closed.
STDN Stations:
Ascension Island
Canberra (Orroral Valley), Australia
Fairbanks, AK
Greenbelt, MD
Goldstone, CA
Kausi, HI
Madrid, Spain
Merritt Island, FL
Quito, Ecuador
Rosman, NC
Santiago, Chile
Winkfield, England
Deep Space Network (DSN)
The Deep Space Network is a system designed to provide command, control,
tracking, and data acquisition for deep space missions. Its three sites in
Goldstone, California; Madrid, Spain; and Canberra, Australia are located
approximately 120 degrees apart and provide 24-hour line of sight coverage.
DSN, managed by JPL, consists of three 64-m (210-ft) diameter antennas,
five 26-m (85-ft) antennas, and one 34-m (111-ft) antenna. During the Voyager
1 encounter with Saturn, DSN recovered over 99 percent of the 17,000 images
transmitted. The network was able to determine the position of Voyager 1 to
within 337 km (209 mi) upon its closest approach to Saturn. This high level
of performance was made possible with the use of the network's radiometric
system, the spacecraft cameras, and the use of antenna arraying. The arraying
technique is done electronically by combining signals received from two
antennas at each site.
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)
When operational, the in-orbit tracking system, TDRSS, will revolutionize
global coverage of Earth-orbiting spacecraft. The largest and most advanced
communications satellites developed thus far, TDRSS will consist of two
satellites and an in-orbit spare. They will provide almost full-time coverage
of the Space Shuttle and up to 26 other satellites.
The TDRSS satellites weigh about 2,250 kilograms (5,000 lbs) and measure
17 meters (57 ft) across. The operational satellites will be positioned over
the Equator about 130 degrees apart, with the spare centrally located for use
in case of a malfunction. The data acquired will be sent directly to NASA's
White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. Facilities at the White Sands ground
terminal include three 1 8-m (59-ft) Ku-band communications.
Initially, TDRSS will Support the Space Shuttle, Spacelab, and Landsat 4.
For The Classroom
1. Have your students locate tracking Stations on a map. Discuss why
several stations are needed for one system, but only three for another.
2. Keep a class file on the TDRS System.
3. Have your students research one tracking station - its use,
geography, history, impact on the community.
4. Secondary school teachers may obtain a copy of Teachers' Guide for
Building and Operating Weather Satellite Ground Stations from the Educational
Programs Officer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (202.3), Greenbelt, MD
20771. The publication gives the information needed to construct, modify, and
operate a weather satellite recording station.